BUYER BEWARE!!!..... The  French Bulldog  Breeder  will scam you for money!!!!!! and their puppies have intestinal parasites

I purchased two french bulldogs from Dee who is the owner of last year. She pressured me into buying two puppies (A spotted white frenchie and a blue frenchbulldog. She said that I could take them home for a week and see if I could handle both puppies. She asked me to pay for both puppies up front ($1500 for the spotted white one and $4,000 for the rarer blue french bulldog). I paid $5,500 up front and she said if I needed to return one or both of the puppies,  I could get a full refund with no questions asked. She also said that she would be availabe to help watch the puppies if I ever needed a dog watcher and to contact her at any time with any questions in regards to raising the puppies. After the first week, I decided to keep only the white spotted bulldog and return the blue french bulldog. Dee came to my house and picked up the blue french bulldog puppy. She gave me a check for $4,000 and I thought all was well.

I deposited the check and I called Dee in regards to some questions about the bulldog. She did not return my phone calls and I had a bad feeling. Unfortunately, the next week, her $4,000 check bounced! I tried repeatedly to get my money returned and she promised me she would return my money as soon as she sold some more puppies. She then stopped returning my phones calls and is now forcing me to take her to small claims court. Beware of this scam artist becasue she has no physical address and she will evaid your calls if she owes you money. She will also not provide follow up assistance with you as promised during you puppy drop off at your house.

Lastly, and possible even more importantly, my puppy had serious problems with intestinal parasites and bleeding for the first six months after purchase. We had to place the poor little guy on months of different kinds of antibioitcs in order to try and kill the intestial parasites he contracted while being kept at her house. Please beware of this scam artist. She does not deserve to be taking care of such beautiful and lovable animals. 


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